Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What I learned today...

I looked up more information on ADHD in the hopes that I might learn other ways to medicate myself other than caffeine.
One of the things I learned is that ADderall and Wellbutrin are in the same family. They both affect the same chemicals in the brain (I think one was seratonin I don't remember the other). In what way or to what degree I don't know, I was looking up ADHD not medications. I hope to look into them later. By the way if you don't know which one is for what here it is. Wellbutrin is for depression ( I actually have this Rx) and Adderall is for ADHD.
Didn't learn a whole lot more specifically about ADHD-PI (primarily inattentive). I already know that it is harder to diagnose because it is harder to spot. People with this type of ADHD don't bounce off the walls. There also appears to be a sub-group within ADHD-PI called Slow Cognitive Tempo (SCT for short). SCT people are kind of the opposite of the ADHD-I people. SCT's "are drifting, introspective, and daydreamy" (wikipedia.org). SCT isn't officially recognized yet, though it's being pushed for one of the next big psychology guides.
Did learn that ADHD seems to affect boys and girls differently with boys acting out more and girls internalizing more. Seems to lead to less diagnosis in girls.
Surprise, surprise! (By the way that was dripping with sarcasm) ADHD can be found with other mental/emotional disorders (depression, anxiety, etc.).
I'll leave this as it is for now. If you have any questions ask and I will do my best to answer.

I'll try to provide a better bibliography for later posts. This was kind of a wild hair impulsive thing so I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention to where I was surfing.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

'Tis the time to be sawing...

Logs that is. In other words I really should be sleeping, but the thought of leaving this whole idea without an outlet was something I could not stand. So here it is a blog for reviewing books (and other literary items). I have never really reviewed them before, but I have been an avid reader since I was a child. If you do not agree with any of my opinions that is fine, in fact please comment. I will set out some ground rules though. 1) All posts should be respectful. 2) Keep all language decent. I will post more rules if I see the need to. I shall go to sleep now as I seem to have taken care of the necessary beginning.